menor preço: € 35.44, preço mais alto: € 63.85, preço médio: € 43.53
Carrilho, Manuel Maria: Aventuras da Interpretacao - Livro de bolso
1995, ISBN: 9722319868
[EAN: 9789722319867], Near Fine, [SC: 18.09], [PU: Presenca], JPG~, The wraps are slightly rubbed. Internally clean and tightly bound. Portuguese. Our orders are shipped using tracked cou… mais…
[EAN: 9789722319867], Near Fine, [SC: 18.09], [PU: Presenca], JPG~, The wraps are slightly rubbed. Internally clean and tightly bound. Portuguese. Our orders are shipped using tracked courier delivery services., Books<
Chapter 1, Johannesburg, GAU, South Africa [4804038] [qualificação: 5 (de 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Custos de envio: EUR 18.09 Details...
(*) Livro esgotado significa que o livro não está disponível em qualquer uma das plataformas associadas buscamos.
Carrilho, Manuel Maria: Aventuras da Interpretacao - Livro de bolso
1995, ISBN: 9722319868
[EAN: 9789722319867], Near Fine, [SC: 18.04], [PU: Presenca], JPG~, The wraps are slightly rubbed. Internally clean and tightly bound. Portuguese. Our orders are shipped using tracked cou… mais…
[EAN: 9789722319867], Near Fine, [SC: 18.04], [PU: Presenca], JPG~, The wraps are slightly rubbed. Internally clean and tightly bound. Portuguese. Our orders are shipped using tracked courier delivery services., Books<
Chapter 1, Johannesburg, GAU, South Africa [4804038] [qualificação: 5 (de 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Custos de envio: EUR 18.04 Details...
(*) Livro esgotado significa que o livro não está disponível em qualquer uma das plataformas associadas buscamos.
Carrilho, Manuel Maria: Aventuras da Interpretacao - Livro de bolso
1995, ISBN: 9789722319867
Presenca, 1995. Soft cover. Near Fine. The wraps are slightly rubbed. Internally clean and tightly bound. Portuguese.. Our orders are shipped using tracked courier delivery services., … mais…
Presenca, 1995. Soft cover. Near Fine. The wraps are slightly rubbed. Internally clean and tightly bound. Portuguese.. Our orders are shipped using tracked courier delivery services., Presenca, 1995, 4<
Chapter 1 Books Custos de envio: EUR 19.51 Details...
(*) Livro esgotado significa que o livro não está disponível em qualquer uma das plataformas associadas buscamos.
[EAN: 9789722319867], Near Fine, [SC: 18.09], [PU: Presenca], JPG~, The wraps are slightly rubbed. Internally clean and tightly bound. Portuguese. Our orders are shipped using tracked cou… mais…
[EAN: 9789722319867], Near Fine, [SC: 18.09], [PU: Presenca], JPG~, The wraps are slightly rubbed. Internally clean and tightly bound. Portuguese. Our orders are shipped using tracked courier delivery services., Books<
NOT NEW BOOK. Custos de envio: EUR 18.09 Chapter 1, Johannesburg, GAU, South Africa [4804038] [qualificação: 5 (de 5)]
[EAN: 9789722319867], Near Fine, [SC: 18.04], [PU: Presenca], JPG~, The wraps are slightly rubbed. Internally clean and tightly bound. Portuguese. Our orders are shipped using tracked cou… mais…
[EAN: 9789722319867], Near Fine, [SC: 18.04], [PU: Presenca], JPG~, The wraps are slightly rubbed. Internally clean and tightly bound. Portuguese. Our orders are shipped using tracked courier delivery services., Books<
NOT NEW BOOK. Custos de envio: EUR 18.04 Chapter 1, Johannesburg, GAU, South Africa [4804038] [qualificação: 5 (de 5)]
Carrilho, Manuel Maria: Aventuras da Interpretacao - Livro de bolso
ISBN: 9789722319867
Presenca, 1995. Soft cover. Near Fine. The wraps are slightly rubbed. Internally clean and tightly bound. Portuguese.. Our orders are shipped using tracked courier delivery services., … mais…
Presenca, 1995. Soft cover. Near Fine. The wraps are slightly rubbed. Internally clean and tightly bound. Portuguese.. Our orders are shipped using tracked courier delivery services., Presenca, 1995, 4<
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Dados bibliográficos do melhor livro correspondente
Dados detalhados do livro - Aventuras da interpretação (Biblioteca de textos universitários)
EAN (ISBN-13): 9789722319867 ISBN (ISBN-10): 9722319868 Livro de bolso Ano de publicação: 1995 Editor/Editora: Editorial Presenc
Livro na base de dados desde 2018-12-30T01:22:35-02:00 (Sao Paulo) Livro encontrado pela última vez no 2022-01-26T06:25:25-03:00 (Sao Paulo) Número ISBN/EAN: 9722319868
Número ISBN - Ortografia alternativa: 972-23-1986-8, 978-972-23-1986-7