menor preço: € 20.50, preço mais alto: € 22.45, preço médio: € 21.05
O direito ao delÃrio Eduardo Galeano Author - nuovo livro
2000, ISBN: 9788563574725
The Biblioteca Básica Latino-Americana was originally conceived by Darcy Ribeiro during his years of exile in the 1960s-1970s. The proposal of the collection is thus to promote refle… mais…
The Biblioteca Básica Latino-Americana was originally conceived by Darcy Ribeiro during his years of exile in the 1960s-1970s. The proposal of the collection is thus to promote reflection on Latin American thought, presented in a comprehensive way, through essays and texts by important artists and thinkers. Eduardo Galeano is one of the thinkers who most beautifully told the story, the pains and the dreams of Latin America. This volume is an unprecedented gathering of interviews, chronicles, and reports originally published in Brazil between the 1970s and 2000. Trade Books>Trade Paperback>World History>World Hist>World History, Azougue Press Core >1<
new in stock. Custos de envio:zzgl. Versandkosten., mais custos de envio Details...
(*) Livro esgotado significa que o livro não está disponível em qualquer uma das plataformas associadas buscamos.
O direito ao delírio Eduardo Galeano Author - nuovo livro
2000, ISBN: 9788563574725
The Biblioteca Básica Latino-Americana was originally conceived by Darcy Ribeiro during his years of exile in the 1960s-1970s. The proposal of the collection is thus to promote refle… mais…
The Biblioteca Básica Latino-Americana was originally conceived by Darcy Ribeiro during his years of exile in the 1960s-1970s. The proposal of the collection is thus to promote reflection on Latin American thought, presented in a comprehensive way, through essays and texts by important artists and thinkers. Eduardo Galeano is one of the thinkers who most beautifully told the story, the pains and the dreams of Latin America. This volume is an unprecedented gathering of interviews, chronicles, and reports originally published in Brazil between the 1970s and 2000. Trade Books>Trade Paperback>World History>World Hist>World History, Azougue Press Core >1<
new in stock. Custos de envio:zzgl. Versandkosten., mais custos de envio Details...
(*) Livro esgotado significa que o livro não está disponível em qualquer uma das plataformas associadas buscamos.
O direito ao delÃrio Eduardo Galeano Author - nuovo livro
2000, ISBN: 9788563574725
The Biblioteca Básica Latino-Americana was originally conceived by Darcy Ribeiro during his years of exile in the 1960s-1970s. The proposal of the collection is thus to promote refle… mais…
The Biblioteca Básica Latino-Americana was originally conceived by Darcy Ribeiro during his years of exile in the 1960s-1970s. The proposal of the collection is thus to promote reflection on Latin American thought, presented in a comprehensive way, through essays and texts by important artists and thinkers. Eduardo Galeano is one of the thinkers who most beautifully told the story, the pains and the dreams of Latin America. This volume is an unprecedented gathering of interviews, chronicles, and reports originally published in Brazil between the 1970s and 2000. Trade Books>Trade Paperback>World History>World Hist>World History, Azougue Press Core >1<
new in stock. Custos de envio:zzgl. Versandkosten., mais custos de envio
O direito ao delírio Eduardo Galeano Author - nuovo livro
2000, ISBN: 9788563574725
The Biblioteca Básica Latino-Americana was originally conceived by Darcy Ribeiro during his years of exile in the 1960s-1970s. The proposal of the collection is thus to promote refle… mais…
The Biblioteca Básica Latino-Americana was originally conceived by Darcy Ribeiro during his years of exile in the 1960s-1970s. The proposal of the collection is thus to promote reflection on Latin American thought, presented in a comprehensive way, through essays and texts by important artists and thinkers. Eduardo Galeano is one of the thinkers who most beautifully told the story, the pains and the dreams of Latin America. This volume is an unprecedented gathering of interviews, chronicles, and reports originally published in Brazil between the 1970s and 2000. Trade Books>Trade Paperback>World History>World Hist>World History, Azougue Press Core >1<
new in stock. Custos de envio:zzgl. Versandkosten., mais custos de envio
1Como algumas plataformas não transmitem condições de envio e estas podem depender do país de entrega, do preço de compra, do peso e tamanho do item, de uma possível adesão à plataforma, de uma entrega direta pela plataforma ou através de um fornecedor terceirizado (Marketplace), etc., é possível que os custos de envio indicados pela terralivro não correspondam aos da plataforma ofertante.
Dados bibliográficos do melhor livro correspondente
Dados detalhados do livro - O direito ao delÃrio Eduardo Galeano Author
EAN (ISBN-13): 9788563574725 Livro de bolso Ano de publicação: 2023 Editor/Editora: Azougue Press Core >1
Livro na base de dados desde 2023-07-15T22:31:40-03:00 (Sao Paulo) Livro encontrado pela última vez no 2024-02-16T11:33:36-03:00 (Sao Paulo) Número ISBN/EAN: 9788563574725
Número ISBN - Ortografia alternativa: 978-85-63574-72-5 Ortografia alternativa e termos de pesquisa relacionados: Autor do livro: eduardo galeano, darcy ribeiro